ALBA DEL CAMPO coordinates the Cádiz Energy Transition Board. She is a journalist, advisor on energy transition processes and trainer , and works for the political group Por Cádiz Sí Se Puede, at the Cádiz provincial council. She holds a degree in Computer Science (UCM) and an Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) from the Sociology and Political Sciences Faculty of the Complutense University of Madrid, and has been a member of the Platform for a New Energy Model since 2012. Alba works as an assistant and communications officer for Equo at the European Parliament (Greens/ALE) (2014-2015). She has produced two documentaries on the current energy model and the alternatives being developed: #Oligopoly2. The Electric Empire Strikes Everyone (2013 Eurosolar Prize) and #OligopolyOFF. The Citizen Energy Revolution begins (2015).
ALFONS PÉREZ is an electrical engineer and holds an MA in sustainability. He currently works for the Observatory of Debt in Globalisation where he analyses EU energy policies from a geopolitical angle and highlights the influence of financial logic on the energy sphere. One of those policies is the EU Energy Strategy, the main aim of which is to diversify fossil fuel supplies with a view to reducing high dependency on Russia. This strategy involves building major import and interconnection infrastructure between Member States, specifically extremely high voltage gas lines and mega-pipelines.
CONRAD KUNZE (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation) is a sociologist and historian. Over the last five years, he has taught and written about ecological issues and worked on a number of energy-related projects. He currently works at the Environmental Governance Institute at the University of Freiburg. In 2012, he founded the Büro für eine del demokratische Energiewende – Democratic Energy Model Bureau – in Berlin and was an activist at the Ende Gelände(‘End of the Road’) Energy and Climate Camp, where he campaigned for the closure of the coal mines in Lusatia/Lausitz.
DANIEL TANURO is a Belgian agricultural engineer and environmentalist. He is the co-founder of the European eco-socialist movement and co-author of the first eco-socialist manifesto. He regularly collaborates with a number of media that specialise in environmental issues. He has published several books on climate change and eco-socialist alternatives, the most recent of which is entitled Green Capitalism – Why It Can’t Work and has been translated into and published in Catalan.
DOMINIQUE SAILLARD francesa, vive en el País Vasco desde 1998. Trabajó 5 años en la Internacional de Resistencia a la Guerra, una red pacifista internacional. Trabajó 5 años en una ONG elaborando programas de cultura de paz, post-conflictos, con una perspectiva feminista y de género. Desde hace más de una década trabaja en su propia consultoría, llamada Oreka, en temas de género.
ELIZABETH PEREDO BELTRAN is a Bolivian social psychologist, investigator, writer and activist. Her work focuses on water as a common, environmental and cultural resource. She co-founded Tahipamu (Workshop for the Participation on Women in History) in La Paz in the 90s, coordinated the National Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Domestic Workers, and has investigated, published in and campaigned for domestic workers’ rights since 1999, securing the adoption of the workers’ rights law in 2003. Since 2000, she has been involved in the struggle for water, producing reports, books, articles and video scripts on economic justice, new paradigms and climate justice. For some years she has been promoting the Blue October Campaign in Bolivia, a social movement for the protection of water as a common good, sitting on the advisory board for the Network for Justice in Global Investment, and a member of the Food and Water Watch Board of Directors in Washington. Since 2006, she has been the executive director of the Solon Foundation, based in La Paz, working on issues relating to water, the economy, culture and feminism.
EMILIO SANTIAGO MUÍÑO holds a Doctorate in Social Anthropology and wrote his doctoral thesis on the systemic transition in Cuba, from the fall of the USSR to a focus on political ecology. He is a member of the Transdisciplinary Investigation Group on Socio-Ecological Transitions of the Autonomous University of Madrid, and also a founder and activist of the Transition Institute Rompe el Círculo, a collective in Móstoles leading the Móstoles, City in Transition project. He has written two volumes of essays: It’s not a Fraud, it’s a (Civilisation) Crisis, and Routes with no Map (first essay Catarata 2015).
ÉRIC TOUSSAINT holds a Doctorate in Political Sciences from the Universities of Liège and Paris VIII. He is spokesperson for the Committee for the Abolition of the Third World Debt (CADTM International), and member of the Scientific Council of ATTAC France. He was involved in the Public Credit Audit Commission (CAIC), launched in 2007. In 2008, he launched the Paraguayan Debt Audit. Since 2010, he has participated in a number of Citizen Debt Audit groups in Europe and Latin America (Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Argentina and Brazil). In 2015, he was appointed to lead the work of the Greek Truth Committee on Public Debt by the President of the Greek Parliament (Zoe Konstantopoulou). The conclusions reached by the Committee now constitute mandatory reference material for all Debt Audits in all countries. He has written numerous reference works on the issue of debt and international financial institutions, and helped to edit two Citizen Debt Audit manuals.
GORKA BUENO is a Doctor in Telecommunications and a university lecturer in Electronic Technology at the UPV/EHU. Her academic work centres on sustainable energy, on which she has published scientific and technical documents and a number of works, including: Guide for an energy-deficient world (2007) and Towards a sustainable energy model for Euskal Herria (2014). On transport, she is the author of Analysis of Scenarios for the Reduction of Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions in Transport in the Basque Country (2012) and co-author of the Environmental assessment of high-speed rail chapter in Evaluating High-Speed Rail, Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Routledge, 2017); on waste treatment and management, Comparative LCA of two approaches with different emphasis on energy or material recovery for a Municipal Solid Waste Management System in Gipuzkoa (2015).
IÑAKI BARCENA HINOJAL holds a law degree (1980) and a Doctorate in Political and Social Sciences (1990). He is a lecturer of Political Sciences and Management, and a visiting researcher-lecturer at the universities of Bradford, Hamburg and Nevada. He is a member of the Parte Hartuz research team, the Training Unit for EMAN research, and the editorial council of the Ecología Política, Viento Sur and ZER magazines. In 1995 and 1996, he represented Spanish ecological groups at the European Environmental Bureau in Brussels.
ISABEL OTXOA CRESPO es profesora de Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social en la UPV (Facultad de Relaciones Laborales y Trabajo Social, Campus de Leioa).Vicedecana de Movilidad (programas: Erasmus, América Latina y Siuce, Prácticas e infraestructuras de la Facultad de RR.LL. y Trabajo Social de la UPV). Integrante de la Asociación de Trabajadoras del Hogar de Bizkaia.
JON PALAIS has been an environmental activist since 2008. He joined the Bizi movement in the Basque Country in 2011. In that role, he focuses on the mobilisation of individuals against climate change. He helped to launch the Alternatiba movement in 2013 and the COP21 Non-Violent Action movement in 2015.
JORGE RIECHMANN holds a degree in Mathematical Sciences (Complutense University of Madrid, 1986). He read philosophy (National University of Distance Education (UNED), 1984-1986) and German literature (Humboldt University in Berlin, 1986-1989). He holds a Doctorate in Political Sciences (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 1993), and wrote his doctoral thesis on the German Green Party, Die Grünen. He is the author of dozens of books and articles. He is a member of the Spanish Society of Organic Farming, Ecologists in Action, the Great Ape Project, CiMA (Scientists for the Environment) and Greenpeace Spain, among others. President of CiMA (Scientists for the Environment) from July 2005 to June 2007, and he served as Vice-President from June 2007 until June 2010. He has been Member of the FUHEM Eco-social Advisory Council (formally CIP/FUHEM – Centre of Research for La Paz) since it was founded in July 2007, and has held the role of coordinator since January 2013.
JOSE MANUEL GUTIERREZ BASTIDA is a Specialist University Expert in Environmental Education for UNED . He has a Master’s in Environmental Education from the Spanish Institute for Ecological Research and has authored several books. He spent 11 years at the Pedernales Centre for School Research – Sukarrietako Eskola Saiakuntzarako Zentroa, eight of which as Educational Director. He is currently an Educational Advisor on Environmental Education at the Ingurugela-Ceida in Bilbao. He is coordinator of IRAES 21 (a network of sustainable schools in the Basque Country), coordinator of Confint in Spain, a member of the Educational Committee of the European Youth Conference, and coordinator of ESenRED (a network of sustainable schools in Spain).
JUAN HERNÁNDEZ ZUBIZARRETA Juan Hernández Zubizarreta es profesor de la Universidad del País Vasco y doctor en Derecho. Investigador del Observatorio de Multinacionales en América Latina. Profesor en diferentes Máster y universidades de México, Colombia, Guatemala, Perú, Argentina y Uruguay. Autor de libros y artículos especializados en empresas transnacionales, tratados de comercio e inversiones y derechos humanos. El último libro publicado en 2015 junto a Pedro Ramiro se titula “Contra la lex Mercatoria. Propuestas y alternativas para desmantelar el poder de las empresas transnacionales”. Colaborador del Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos, miembro de la campaña contra el TTIP y Observador Internacional en Irak 1999, Chiapas (México) 1995 y 1996, Colombia 2001… y cooperante en Nicaragua 1987-1989.
LEIRE URKIDI holds a Doctorate in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Environmental Economics and Management pathway), and a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Salamanca. She is a member of Parte Hartuz (UPV-EHU) and Ekopol. Her research is focused on the analysis of socio-environmental conflicts caused by gold mining in Latin America. She has carried out studies in Chile and Guatemala in the field of Political Ecology and the Theory of Social Movements using qualitative methods and participative research. She has also collaborated with Engenyenia Sense Fronteras and Intermón in developing educational material for an online course on the extractive industries.
LLUIS TORRENS MÉLICH es Licenciado en CC.EE. por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Magister en Análiss Económico por el Departamento de Economía de la UAB y el Instituto de Análisis Económico del CSIC. Diplomado por el programa de Dirección General del Instituto de Estudios Superiore de Empresa (IESE) de la Universidad de Navarra. En la actualidad es director de planificación e innovación del Área de Derechos Sociales del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona.
MANUEL GARÍ RAMOS is an anticapitalist activist and environmentalist. He is President of the Viento Sur Foundation, Co-Director of the University-Enterprise-Trade Unions Chair at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and a member of the Energy Transitions Forum. He was Area Director for the Environment at the Trade Union Institute for Labour, the Environment and Health (ISTAS) for 17 years, and Director of Daphnia, a magazine dedicated to clean production and the prevention of pollution. He participated in the first two European Eco-Socialist Meetings. He has led numerous research projects and studies on the production model, the relationship between climate change and employment, and the relationship between clean production, the organisation of employment and workers’ involvement in the environmental decisions of their company. He has led several university courses on REACH, climate change and sustainable energy systems. He is the author of 123 articles on sustainability and has co-authored eight books on employment and the environment. He coordinated the study ‘Climate Change and Health’ in the framework of the 2020-2050 Global Climate Change project.
MARIO ZUBIAGA UPV / EHU professor and a PhD in Political Science. Researcher on contemporary political theory, social movements, protest models and the processes of popular sovereignty, and a member of GURE ESKU DAGO /It is in our hands.
MAXIME COMBES is an economist who has been working for the ATTAC France movement since the late 90s. She has collaborated with a number of media, such as Mediapart and the informational web page Basta! ( She has published several items: Let’s move on from the age of fossil fuels! Transition manifesto. Co-author of: – Nature is priceless (2012) – The shipwrecks of free trade, from the OMC to TAFTA (2015) – Stop climate crime! (2015). – The climate is our business (2015).
MARÍA PAZOS trained as a mathematician, specialising in statistics. She coordinates research on taxation and gender at the Institute of Fiscal Studies. She has extensive experience in the analysis of the economic policies needed to promote gender equality. Her most recent work is Unequal under the Law – Public Policy against Gender Equality.
MARÍA EUGENIA RODRÍGUEZ PALOP is a militant eco-feminist and defender of human rights. She is a Doctor of Law and lecturer on the Philosophy of Law at the Carlos III University in Madrid. She is Coordinator of the Unesco Chair of ‘Violence and Human Rights: Government and Governance’, Director of the Norberto Bobbio Chair of Equality and Non-Discrimination at the ‘Bartolomé de las Casas’ Institute of Human Rights of the Carlos III University in Madrid, whose research focuses are the ‘Environment’ and ‘Feminists and Human Rights’, and Director of a Feminist Studies Group. She is also a member and Academic Secretary of the Carlos III University Gender Studies Institute.
MARTA PASCUAL RODRÍGUEZ es Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, profesora de Intervención Sociocomunitaria y coordinadora del Área de Educación y Participación de Ecologistas en Acción. Participa en el Grupo de Ecofeminismo de esta misma asociación ecologista. Coautora de los libros Educación y ecología (Popular, 2007), Claves del ecologismo social (Libros en Acción, 2009) y Cambiar las gafas para mirar el mundo (Libros en Acción, 2011), así como de artículos diversos que relacionan la sostenibilidad con la intervención social: educación para la sostenibilidad, pobreza, vínculos entre feminismo y ecologismo.Ha trabajado una propuesta junto con MRPS como alternativa al actual currículo educativo.
MIKEL OTERO El movimiento contra el Frackingen Euskal Herria nació en noviembre de 2011 en cuanto el lehendakari Patxi López hizo pública su posición a favor del sistema. El movimiento contrario al Fracking lo crearon diversos grupos ecologistas, sindicales, políticos y sociales y también numerosas personas a título individual. Mikel Otero es uno de los fundadores de dicho movimiento que junto con muchas compañeras se ha dedicado a difundir información (ha dado más de 300 charlas) y ser portavoz. Por otro lado, cabe destacar el trabajo realizado en numerosas instituciones: campañas en numerosos ayuntamientos y la ILP del Parlamento Vasco, entre otros. A nivel europeo también ha participado en numerosos encuentros.
LUIS GONZÁLEZ REYES es miembro de Ecologistas en Acción, donde participó desde la fundación hasta 2015 en su Secretaría Confederal y fue durante nueve años co-coordinador. Actualmente, es parte de Garúa S. Coop. Mad., donde se dedica a la formación y la investigación en temas relacionados con el ecologismo y la pedagogía. Desde este ámbito, es colaborador habitual de varias universidades. También trabaja en FUHEM, donde es el responsable de la “ecosocialización” de sus tres centros escolares. Es autor o coautor de una decena de libros con contenidos que abarcan distintas facetas del ecologismo social. Entre ellos destaca “En la espiral de la energía”. Además, es doctor en químicas y fue premio extraordinario de licenciatura.
OLATZ AZURZA Née à San Sebastian en 1978 et ingénieure industriel depuis 2002, elle a travaillé dans l’industrie au cours des 6 premières années de sa vie professionnelle. Depuis 2008 elle œuvre dans le monde de l’éducation. En 2012 elle a obtenu un Master en énergies renouvelables à l’Université UPV/EHU. Elle enseigne actuellement dans cette même université et combine ce travail avec celui de bénévole dans la coopérative d’énergie renouvelable GOIENER.
SANDRA EZQUERRA has a degree in History and Anthropology from the University of Barcelona and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Oregon, in the United States. In 2008, she presented her thesis, which is titled The Regulation of the South-North Transfer of Reproductive Labor: Filipino Women in Spain and the United States. She is presently working as profesor in sociologi in Vic University and as a researcher in the Department of Social Inclusion and Citizenship (Institute of Government and Public Policy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona). She has been a visiting research fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, and in Manila (Philippines). Her main areas of research are social, labour and immigration policies and their impact on different social groups and, in particular, a study of policies from the standpoint of gender. In recent years she has published a number of articles related with these concerns in the United States, the Philippines and Spain.
TCHENNA FERNANDES MASO is a public prosecutor with a law degree from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), and is an expert in ‘Energy and Contemporary Capitalism’ for the Research and Urban and Regional Planning Institute at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). She holds a Master’s in Political Sciences and International Relations from the Federal University of Latin-American Integration (UNILA). She is involved in the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB), as part of the Human Rights Collective, and focuses on research and human rights violations by transnational companies. She is focusing in particular on women working in the sackcloth weaving industry. Research topics: Marxism in Latin America, indigenous movements, decolonisation and resistance.
YAYO HERRERO is an anthropologist, social educator and agricultural technical engineer; Director General of FUHEM; assistant lecturer for the Unesco Chair of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development (UNED); founding member of Garúa S. Coop. Mad. She coordinated the CCEIM of the General Foundation at the Complutense University of Madrid between 2009 and 2012. She has also co-authored more than a dozen books on social environmentalism and numerous articles and is a member of the editorial council of HEGOA and the editorial board of Papeles magazine. She was Confederal Coordinator of Ecologists in Action, of which she is still a member, between 2005 and 2014.
ZOE KONSTANTOPOULOU est avocate, elle a été présidente du Parlement grec entre le printemps 2015 et jusqu’à sa démission volontaire après que le gouvernement grec est accepté les conditions imposées par l’Union européenne concernant notamment le paiement de la dette publique. Sous sa présidence, la Commission pour la Vérité sur la dette grecque a été constitué parce que selon elle « les gens ont le droit de connaître la vérité, parce que l’humanité n’est pas uniquement le produit de relations économiques, et parce qu’il faut remettre les peuples et les droits au centre des projets politiques ». Dans le rapport qu’elle a rendu, cette Commission a estimé que la dette grecque était odieuse, illégale et illégitime, et ne devrait donc pas être payé. Zoé a démissionné parce qu’elle ne voulait pas agir contre l’avis du peuple grec qui s’est exprimé lors du référendum citoyen. Depuis lors, elle poursuit sa lutte contre la dictature de la „troïka“ comme avocate et militante des droits de l’homme.