Friday, 23 September
- 18:00 Welcoming address. Iñaki Barcena
- 18:30 Opening plenary session: Climate change post-Paris
- Maxime Combes (Attac, France)
- Jon Palais (Bizi! Mugimendua, Euskal Herria)
- Elizabeth Peredo (Trenzando ilusiones, Bolivia)
Saturday, 24 September
- 9:30 Plenary: How can we tackle urgent environmental challenges while responding to humanitarian crises?
- Manuel Garí, New production models for the transition
- Daniel Tanuro, The capitalist response to the eco-social crisis
- María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, A constitutional framework for new production, energy and consumer models
- Sandra Ezquerra, Alternatives from a feminist economy to the social emergency
- Chair Leire Urkidi
- 11:30 Break
- 12:00 Workshops
- Topic 1 (Production Model, Care and Employment): Employment and the production model in the systemic crisis. Yayo Herrero
- Topic 2 (Food Sovereignty): Discussion on sovereignty. Alazne Intxauspe (EHNE Bizkaia), Esti Redondo, Denia (Honduras), Ekhi Atutxa (UPV/EHU)
- Topic 3 (Energy Sovereignty): The Energy Network in our Society. Luis González Reyes, Conrad Kunze, Gorka Bueno
- 14:00 Lunch
- 15:30 Workshops
- Topic 1 (Production Model, Care and Employment): Social Organisation of Care. Speaker: María Pazos. Explanation experiences: Isabel Otxoa (ATH), Dominique Saillard (Oreka), Sandra Ezquerra
- Topic 2 (Food Sovereignty): Future Perspectives. Argentina (MCI), Alejandro Serrato (Andalucia, SAT), Arnau Calit (Països Catalans, CUP)
- Topic 3 (Energy Sovereignty): Social Movements: from Resistence to the Transformation of the Energy Model. Mikel Otero (Fracking Ez), Alfons Pérez (ODG), Moisés Borges (MAB), Joâo Camargo (Bloco de Esquerda –Portugal)
- Topic 4 (Education for Social Equity and the Protection of the Earth): Towards an Eco-Socialist Education. José Manuel Gutiérrez Bastida, Jorge Riechmann, Marta Pascual Ródriguez, Amaia Etxabe Goikoetxea
- 17:30 Break
- 18:00 Workshops
- Topic 1 (Production Model, Care and Employment): Transformation of the Production Model: the Employment Network. Speaker: Lluis Torrens. Explanation trade unions: ELA, LAB, ESK, STEILAS, EHNE
- Topic 2 (Food Sovereignty): Practical Session on Sovereignty
- Topic 3 (Energy Sovereignty): New Energy Model for an Alternative Social Model. Emilio Santiago, Olatz Azurza, Alba del Campo
- Topic 4 (Education for Social Equity and the Protection of the Earth): Experiences of Education beyond the Classroom. Garaion, Txatxilipurdi, Gure Platera gure aukera, Bizitoki
- 19:30 – 20:00 Workshop Conclusions
- 21:00 Supper and concert in Hika Ateneo
Sunday, 25 September
- 9:30 Plenary: Trade unionism before the eco-socialist transition
- Txiki Muñoz (ELA)
- Ainhoa Etxaide (LAB)
- Iratxe Alvarez (ESK)
- Jose Manuel Gutierrez Bastida (Steilas)
- Unai Aranguren (EHNE Bizkaia)
- 11:30 Break
- 12:00 Plenary: Before the dictatorship of big business, popular empowerment: sovereignty, democracy and social justice
- Katerina Sergidou, Greece’s example, from the referendum to the third memorandum, from victory to defeat
- Éric Toussaint, Economic Policy and the Sovereignty Crisis in EU Member States. A ‘Plan B for Europe’
- Juan Hernández Zubizarreta, A new feudal order. Trade and investment agreements and treaties
- Mario Zubiaga, From Disneyworld to community work. Building the Roadmap of Sovereignty
- Chair: Izaro Gorostidi
- 13:30 – 14:00 Lecture Final Manifesto